Monday, July 23, 2012

Nesting a little

My husband had to go to WV for some training and I am left in small town Wa with my two kids, two cats, 1 dog, 18 chickens, and 4 turkeys.  This is ridiculous!  Anyhow, I have noticed that my house is a complete wreck.  Mainly this is because I have been neglecting the house to do school for the last 4.5 months.  While I am proud of what I have done so far, I feel like I am ashamed of the house upkeep/prep.
So, here I am with 8 weeks until we meet number 3 and my house is not clean, not kept up, and definitely not ready for a baby.  I have no clothes or really anything as I passed all of our stuff onto others thinking we were done with the pregnancies.  Ha!  Watch out for that one friends.  Anyhow, I still have a crib and a chair  which really are the big ones for me to survive.  We still have two months to accumulate the other necessities.
That being said, I don't feel I have the time to get this house in order.  Every time I get something accomplished I have my two little shadows undoing my progress.  Its something I have gotten used to in the past 4 years, but I am freaking out a bit now.  I am still optimistic that if I tackle a few things each day I may be able to conquer this mess and be a little more prepared for the blessed event.
I figure if I set my sights on little goals there is a chance that I can make this work.  But then there is the deal of keeping the clean parts clean.  That and trying to spend time with the kiddos, keep my sanity, take care of the animals, and also ensuring I remember to shower and take care of me is a lot to keep up with all together.  Its straight up exhausting.  I will be glad to have C home in a couple weeks so I can have a little help with the little people or the crazy animals.